しまひろふみ個展 フォトアート「富士百景」終了しました!
Hirofumi Shima’s solo exhibition, PHOTOART [100 FUJI VIEWS] has finished!
Thank you very much to everyone who came over the past 3 days!
I was very happy that not only my friends but also many people enjoyed looking at my works in the space where I displayed them.
During the exhibition, my friends who came told me that I was the star of the show, but in my heart, it was the photo art paintings that were the stars of the show, and the people who gathered there that were the stars.
I was very happy that they came to see my work in the same space.
I heard that a total of 46 pieces were displayed this time.
I had planned to do it once I decided to do it, but in reality, I had to postpone it for half a year due to lack of artworks, and I had to delay it due to my health condition right before the show.
I am sure that I gained a lot from these experiences.
Although I was the only one who planned and set up the event, it would never have worked if I had done it alone!
(2022年11月14日 November 14, 2022 wrote)